Tag: Who’s Who of SAU

Student Life

Who’s Who of SAU with Tammy Norcross-Reitzler

Meet Tammy Norcross-Reitzler. Tammy is a staff member at St. Ambrose Univesity. She serves as the Director of Campus Ministry. She and Ryan discuss her life-long career in the Catholic Church and what she does ...
May 4, 2021
Student Life

Who’s Who of SAU with Matthew Coomber

Meet Matthew Coomber. Coomber teaches theology courses at St. Ambrose. He and Ryan discuss the complicated path which lead him to become a theology professor. Coomber converted to Buddhism from Christianity during undergrad. After five ...
April 27, 2021
Student Life

Who’s Who of SAU with David Baker

Meet David Baker. Baker is an SAU alumn and the Operations Manager of St. Ambrose University’s public radio station, KALA-FM. He shares with Ryan how his deep-rooted passion for media began and how a future ...
April 20, 2021
Student Life

Who’s Who of SAU with Tadd Ruetenik

Meet Tadd Ruetenik. Ruetenik teaches philosophy courses at St. Ambrose. He and Ryan discuss his path towards veganism, his time in a heavy metal band, and the complexities of philosophy. Listen to Who’s Who of ...
April 13, 2021
Student Life

Who’s Who of SAU with Alan Sivell

Meet Alan Sivell. Sivell teaches communication courses at St. Ambrose. He joins Ryan to discuss his “nomad” years, how an East Coaster ends up in Iowa, and his time at WQAD. Listen to Who’s Who ...
April 6, 2021
Student Life

Who’s Who of SAU with The Herzigs

Meet Carl and Stella Herzig. Carl teaches English courses at SAU. His wife Stella is a reference librarian at the university’s library. They join Ryan to share their religious journey with Vaishnavism, a denomination of ...
March 30, 2021