Morale Director Andrea Adam runs out during Welcome Ceremony.
Morale Captains (Green Team) run through the crowed during welcoming ceremonies.
Miracle Kiddo Donald Hinz and his family run through the tunnel during Welcome Ceremony.
Family Relations Committee reminds dancers of the kiddos Dancing in our Hearts Forever.
Dancers practice the DM9 Morale Song.
The Z Family performs on stage.
Community Outreach committee dances together at Big Event.
Dancers perform the Morale Song.
Dancers ring the gong after every $50 donation they receive throughout the day.
Alumni perform old Morale Dances.
Liqui-Grow presents sponsorship check to SAU Dance Marathon Sponsorship Director Heather Hoeger.
Morale performs the Morale Dance in Toy Story outfits.
Signs around the Rogalski Center Lawn read DM quotes.
Dancers perform the Moraale Dance.
SAU Miracle Kiddo Reid passed away six months ago. In his memory, dancers raised $5 for Reid’s 5 years. They then waved Rally for Reid towels.
Morale performs the Morale Dance in Athlete Outfits.
The Community Outreach Committee reveals the amount raised by high schools this year.
SAU Miracle Family (Bethanie Johnson) give a Family Talk to share their experience with SAUDM.
The Executive Board from last year performed the Morale Dance.
Dancers cut their hair with sponsor Capri College. SAU Miracle Kiddo Madi assisted.
Dancers perform the Morale Song.
Morale brings the hype into the night.
Dancers perform the Morale Dance into the night.
The Executive Board and Morale finish the Morale Dance with flashlights.
Morale dances during Power Hour!
Miracle Family (Jackson Gipe) gives a Family Talk. Jackson is one of SAUDM’s Dancing in our Hearts Kiddos.
The Executive Board dances the last few hours of the Event on stage.
Dance Marathon is more than the number raised at the end of the year. These numbers displayed how much was achieved all year.
Dancers gather for a photo in front of the Reveal Numbers at the end of the night.