NewsThe Buzz

It’s Shot O’Clock: Is Vaccination a Consideration for Students This Season?

After a few long months, the hot summer days of September roll into the days of October.
Leaves change, temperatures decline, summer turns to fall, the pollen count increases, and the
number of illnesses in and around campuses spike.

At times, it can be difficult to keep yourself 100% healthy. Nurse Nancy Hines emails,

“Students are coming into my office telling me their roommate, friends and/or teammates are
sick and now they have symptoms too. I can confirm that my office is busy with increased foot
traffic with complaints of allergies, congestion, coughs and sore throats.”
Mia Doellinger St. Ambrose junior says, “I suffer from sinus infections year-round, but
specifically in fall it’s hard to not be sick. Especially with this being my first year returning to a
100% in person class. I already know I will be making a few doctor visits shortly.”

In recent months, the rise in getting a covid shot has been in the media and social
platforms. From parents, the government, and even college campuses, the incentives to obtain a
vaccination has grown enormously. In 2021 at the height of Covid-19, campuses became a
cesspool for germs. Christopher Waugh Dean of St. Ambrose University sent out an email in
2021 stating,”If you are not yet vaccinated, please consider doing so. Vaccination is the best
protection against serious illness.”

In 2023, Covid-19 vaccinations are still a hot topic in and around college campuses.
Sidney Little, St. Ambrose senior acknowledges the idea of the vaccination, “I am a nursing
student, naturally I have thought about it. While working in the hospitals it’s practically required.

Sick patients and knowing that I have a lesser chance of spreading something to them makes me
want to consider the vaccination a little more closely.”

Like Sidney, many other people tended to agree, Sophomore Mallory Helmig says, “Due
to living on campus it can be hard to not get sick. I mean Nurse Nancy sends emails out like
crazy. Therefore I would be lying if I said I hadn’t considered it, but still am unsure about if I’ll
actually get it.”

While these students have valid reasons for uncertainty, many other students have a
definite answer. Junior Sarah Priewe stated, “Though I have considered it because of my
grandparents it’s just something I probably wouldn’t do. It’s not that I am against it, I just don’t
think it’s the right thing for my body or me, at this time.”

Like others the shot can hold weight on not only a choice but can factor into where the
line crosses for religion. Junior Marquan Quinn says, “I think for a lot of people the shot will be
the right choice for them. I’m never going to diss on someone for making the choice they feel is
right. Personally for me though, I couldn’t go against my beliefs and cross the line of getting
something that conflicts with my religious beliefs.” Religion can be a major factor in why people
tend not to get vaccinations.

A confidential source stated, “I don’t know if I want to answer this question. So many
people s$@t on the idea of having a choice when it comes to vaccinations. Especially college
kids. I’m vaccinated but when I’m asked, I always say I’m not in fear of what people might say.”
As campus Nurse Nancy Hines says, “Reserve judgment and be respectful of others.
Although my office continues to be busy, the good news is that compared to data from the
previous five years, the number of client visits is back to pre-Covid days. Take care of yourself
and don’t hesitate to contact me or stop by if you need assistance. I’m happy to help.”

Hayley Feddersen is a staff writer for The Buzz.
