Casual Sports Podcast: Misinformation and Media Literacy
In the landscape of media in the world today there are massive amounts of misinformation and deception in terms of false advertising and misleading information. This is highly prevalent on social media and over the past few years has started to seep its way into the mainstream legacy media landscape.
Highly accredited news sources and companies such as CNN and on the sports side ESPN for example have disseminated false or misleading information in their headlines and in ESPN’s case reported on false information that was not fact checked or thoroughly researched.
In this special episode of the Casual Sports Podcast will feature Winston and special guest and host of Midweek Musings, Evie Breitbach. In this episode we will primarily discuss misinformation and its effects on the media landscape, as well as the importance of media literacy.
Evie spoke on how she’s noticed the direct effects of misinformation on social media and mass media, stating how “News companies pander to one audience or another once they notice who is consuming their media.” Also we discussed how intaking only one type of media has made people more close-minded and set in their ways earlier in life.
As well as people not wanting to fact check their sources for various reasons, “They want to appear smarter than other people,” is the sentiment that Evie shared. Alongside this topic we touched on the effects of how this attitude can impact a classroom setting by making people less likely to answer their professor’s questions due to the fear of looking dumb for getting a question wrong.
Please enjoy this special episode of the Casual Sports Podcast with Winston Hutson and Evie Breitbach where we go more in depth on these topics and more.